All new formats and an all new book.

Shadowland: My Latest Release

In latest news, I have a new book coming in July/August 2021. It’s called Shadowland, and it’s a standalone fantasy novel unlike anything you’ve ever read that dares you to go on a journey into the shadowiest recesses of reality. You can now read sample chapters and see the gorgeous new cover. (It may be because it’s new and exciting, but to date Shadowland is my favourite cover.)

Please note: Shadowland is not bedtime reading, and it is not suitable for a younger audience. It is best for adults and very mature young adults.

All Books Now On Amazon

All my books are now available as an ebook on Amazon and for free on Kindle Unlimited. (If you don’t know what Kindle Unlimited is, it’s a subscription model through Amazon that lets you download a glut of books for free, for a small monthly fee. This is a fantastic program for those who read lots of books quickly and have a tight budget or who don’t feel the need to own the books.)

This was a hard decision but I realised that I personally find downloading books from random websites annoying. I prefer to get it directly onto my Kindle with Amazon. So I am catering to people like me.

I’ve priced the books to still be incredibly affordable, and they come as even cheaper boxed sets too.

About the Author:

Author, editor, artist and mixed-bag creative. As well as writing fantasy novels of her own (The Lonely Creative Books) , Lisa has 25+ years of editing experience, including working with many published and budding authors. She is also a mixed-bag artist, working mainly with watercolour and gouache in a mixed-bag of styles. Her other mixed-bag creative pursuits and careers include journalism, interior design, and photography. She and her sister Naomi are the co-founders of The Lonely Creative Books, and Willow Lane Art & Design: Lisa's art & writing, Naomi's designs and publishing. Go behind the scenes of her books and art, and find out about the latest Willow Lane products and happenings.