“Along the Way” – by Ray Barnett

A beautiful, surprising and moving book written by Ray Barnett to (us) his daughters. These are life lessons our father learned along the way of a lifetime of following a loving, supernatural and intimate God, no matter where that led. 

Free Chapter Below.

It is our pleasure to introduce this very special book to you.

Our father wrote this wonderful, moving and wise book for us when we were growing up. Each chapter, a story or glimpse of a moment in Ray’s life, is a lesson learned along a journey of willingly following God into the unknown and often into the hard places. It is about trusting God with each step along the way and watching the amazing, tender and supernatural ways he leads and intervenes.

“Along the Way” was written to encourage us – his daughters. It was a ‘behind the scenes’ of why sometimes we had to be left behind as our dad pursued a life following God into ministry at home and abroad. Though it was originally written for us, the book started to find its way into the hands of many readers where it quickly became one of their all-time favourite books.

We are so proud of this book.

It has been well-read and loved by many people beyond our family and we have been urging our father to publish this for a long time. And years after we first received and cherished our own copy, we were now able, as grown women, to be a part of bringing that book to the market and adding our God-given talents to it. It was our privilege to both design the cover and internals for him (Naomi’s design work) and to do the artwork inside (Lisa’s sketches).

Available now for everyone to enjoy,  this is a new and beautifully illustrated format that we think makes it the perfect book to give away as well as a gift for yourself.

We also have related artwork – a print of one of the illustrations and connecting verse in the book for our absolute favourite chapter “The Sparrow” – that you can purchase through our store, whether you’ve read the book or not. (Read the book and you’ll discover why it is our all-time favourite chapter.)

Read more about this wonderful book and download a free chapter below, beautifully designed for you to enjoy and share.


Paperback and Ebook versions OUT NOW on Amazon internationally and for free on Kindle Unlimited. 


Example Illustrations for Along the Way

Examples of the illustrations for Along the Way, by Ray Barnett. Cover by Naomi Blythe. Artwork by Lisa Saul.


“I want to emphasise that my life is not your life. Nor is yours mine. Each life is unique. As a master potter, God shapes and prepares us for the tasks he wishes us uniquely to perform. What we share in common is that the same God is in each of us ‘to will and to work for his good pleasure.’”


Originally written for his daughters, Along the Way is a very personal look at one man’s journey with God. It is a glimpse into some of the ways God shapes our lives to his intended purpose for us.

For years, Ray travelled to dangerous places on risky airlines. He taught the Bible to church leaders in countries where to believe in Christ could result in imprisonment or even death. Always working ‘below the radar.’

These brief sketches of a life story, encouragements to the daughters he had to leave behind, are reflections on what God did. They point to the way God uses successes and failures, spectacular events, and the ordinariness of the daily grind to shape our lives for the role he wishes us to fulfil.

Behind even apparent disasters, there is always the unseen hand of a faithful, sovereign God who would achieve his purposes. God is the potter; we are the clay. It is as we learn to trust him that we find joy in even the darkest moments.



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9698b2b1-0381-44ae-925d-8179c0a9ddeeClick these links to purchase artwork from the book: a special edition, vintage-style print of the sparrows from Matthew 10:29. We offer it framed and unframed.

