Redemption is the vivid, unforgettable and stirring sequel to Sacrifice. Not just another story for the sake of it, Redemption continues and opens up the story of Sacrifice, revealing aspects of the original story in ways that will surprise you.
Read a generous sample below.
Why does Redemption cost so much more than the others?
Redemption is a HUGE BOOK, at least half the size again of our second-longest book, Shadowland. Our distributor and printer charges per page. If we were to charge the same as the others, we’d be making a loss. (We already make very, very little per book as the printing costs, credit card fees and taxes swallow up the rest.) But we want the novels to be read, so we’ve priced all of them as reasonably as we possibly could. You might find a better price on Amazon? It’s worth a go. And there’s the ebook as well if cost is an issue.
About Shipping:
We use the same printer and distributer as our notebooks so all books ship at £5 for the first book/notebook and £2 for every book/notebook after that.
Please allow a few weeks for printing and shipping.
For faster shipping, try Amazon.
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